“REDIFUEL: Robust and Efficient processes and technologies for Drop-In renewable FUELs for road transport”

Written by Benedikt Heuser, Andreas Vorholt, Gonzalo Prieto, Barbara Graziano, Sascha Schönfeld, Maarten Messagie, Giuseppe Cardellini, Sanna Tuomi, Nina Sittinger, Roy Hermanns, Sangeetha Ramawamy, Chandra Kanth Kosuru, Hajo Hoffmann, Linus Schulz, Jaykumar Yadav, Maarten Weide, Thorsten Schnorbus 


This paper introduces the work of the joint project “Robust and Efficient processes and technologies for Drop-In renewable FUELs for road transport” (REDIFUEL). The overall aim is to enable the utilization of various biomass feedstocks for an ultimate renewable EN590 diesel biofuel in a sustainable manner. REDIFUEL’s ambition is to develop new technologies, solutions and processes to reach high conversion efficiencies for renewable fuel production. The proposed drop-in biofuel contains high-cetane liquid (C11-C21) bio-hydrocarbons and C6-C11 bio-alcohols showing exceptional combustion and pollutant mitigation performance. Environmental and social aspects are also considered by carrying out a comprehensive Biomass-to-Wheel performance analysis. First artificial fuel samples simulating the final product have been synthesized and analyzed with regard to fuel relevant properties, showing very promising results.
