26 April 2021 – 12:15-14:0 CEST – ONLINE
29th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
The Clean Energy Transition Unit of the European Commission’s General Directorate of Research and Innovation/Clean Planet Directorate will organise an information event Workshop on Horizon Europe – Actions for bioenergy, biofuels and renewable fuels on 26 April 2021 online.
This is a parallel event in the 29th edition of the European Biomass Conference & Exhibition. The event will aim at informing on the Horizon Europe Programme and in particular on actions related to biomass. It will include a presentation on Horizon Europe European Partnerships targeting on clean energy and mobility. These are the European Partnerships on Clean Energy Transition, Zero-emissions Waterborne Transport and Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking. The programme will focus on global challenges and in particular on cluster 5, Climate, Energy and Mobility, presenting the actions for Sustainable, Secure and Competitive Energy Supply. A presentation and discussion regarding actions for bioenergy, biofuels and renewable fuels planned under the work programme of 2021-2022 will take place.